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Recent Newspaper & Online Columns by Kate Scannell MD

The Ryan plan for Medicare -- One giant wrecking ball

Dr. Kate Scannell, Syndicated Columnist
First Published in Print: 04/30/2011

AS A physician specializing for years in geriatric medicine, I was delighted to learn about Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's plan to dismantle Medicare and replace it with good old-fashioned, coupon-clipping, private-marketplace opportunities for elderly and disabled people seeking health insurance.

It was a brilliant idea. We all know how fun it is to comparison shop for health insurance policies in the first place. But also incorporating the prospect of applying coupons or "vouchers" to insurance purchases -- well, it sounded like a shopper's paradise for the Medicare crowd.

Besides, as a matter of principle, shouldn't the elderly and disabled be freed -- yes, freed! -- from Medicare to pursue opportunities to shop for private insurance, just like more able-bodied, freedom-loving Americans? As a matter of personal liberty, shouldn't they be allowed as many mind-boggling consumer "options" for policies?
Sure, the disabled and elderly may collectively suffer more physical, mental, financial and social limitations in multiple arenas of life -- but the Ryan plan offers them a rare taste of unfettered freedom in the private insurance marketplace.

OK, wait -- I can't satirize the Ryan plan anymore. What it threatens to do to Medicare is entirely too serious and disturbing. Read More