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Recent Newspaper & Online Columns by Kate Scannell MD

Dying of a Broken Heart

By Dr. Kate Scannell, Syndicated Columnist
First Published in Print: 01/22/12

In the early 1970s, my friend's father died on stage while receiving a golden watch from his boss to mark his retirement. Grasping the watch in one hand, he reportedly clutched his chest with the other and collapsed. He could not be revived. His sudden death had been completely unexpected, and his family was devastated. His death was officially attributed to a heart attack.

Afterward, my grieving friend speculated that her father's death had been triggered by the stress and heightened emotions he'd been experiencing over the unwelcome prospect of retirement. He'd been a dedicated "company man" his entire adult life, someone who had found meaning and personal fulfillment through his job at the auto plant. He couldn't imagine living without the satisfying daily routine of his work and the companionship of co-workers.

I knew nothing at the time about cardiology, the heart's autonomic neural regulation or the body's powerful, smoldering brew of stress hormones. However, I was convinced by what had happened to my friend's father that a heart could be broken by grief and loss. That it could shatter under the unbearable weight of despair.

Years later, after becoming a physician, I often was reminded of my friend's father.  Read More