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Recent Newspaper & Online Columns by Kate Scannell MD

And Olympic gold for a health care system goes to, well, not us

By Dr. Kate Scannell, Syndicated columnist
First Published in Print: 08/04/2012

I always learn a lot while watching the Olympics. During the parade of nations, I'm routinely educated about the existence of at least two countries that have, until then, escaped my awareness. I often discover that an otherwise ordinary capacity of the human body has been associated with some type of ball to create a new Olympic sport. And with each Olympics, I am freshly reminded that I am months or years behind in my personal fitness program.

But late last month, I was thoroughly stunned to learn from the 2012 Opening Ceremonies in London that real doctors can actually dance! The spectacle of British physicians and nurses kicking up their heels swept me off my feet. And it provided reassuring proof that medical office parties need not always be flat-footed events.

Watching an octogenarian Queen parachute into the stadium was unremarkable compared to witnessing happy doctors performing the Lindy Hop, keeping time and rhythm, having fun, receiving cheers from an appreciative public. In contrast, on this side of the pond, doctors are more likely to be doing the hobble, dancing as fast as they can, trying to work a somewhat cheerless crowd.

In the tradition of Olympics host countries, the Brits set out in the Opening Ceremony to showcase their unique history and culture. Homage was paid to the industrial revolution, the Beatles, the World Wide Web, multiculturalism, Mary Poppins, and, yes, the "NHS" -- the country's health care system.

The National Health Service is Britain's taxpayer funded, government-run health care system (akin to our country's Medicare program) Read More